25 08, 2017

Fairmont Creamery

2020-09-22T17:46:14+00:00August 25th, 2017|Categories: Commercial, Multi Family, Projects, Renovation, Residential|Tags: , , , |

The renovation of the historic Fairmont Creamery created 30 residential units, a commercial gym, office space and a café for Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood. Originally constructed in 1930 for the Fairmont Creamery Company, this industrial building was awarded local historic landmark status and state historic tax credits in 2013. Exterior restoration included the repair of the [...]

23 08, 2017

Private Residence – Orange, Ohio

2022-01-13T18:18:36+00:00August 23rd, 2017|Categories: Projects, Residential, Single Family|Tags: |

This modern single-family residence is located on a sloping semi-rural site located in Orange, Ohio. It was designed for a young professional couple and their charming young daughter, who requested clean and casual modern living spaces with lots of natural light and open views to the protected backyard area. The house is massed as two [...]

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