25 06, 2010

Andrew Jackson House

2020-09-22T18:14:57+00:00June 25th, 2010|Categories: Commercial, Projects, Renovation|Tags: , |

Originally constructed in 1872, this Second Empire-style brick mansion was converted in 1910 for use as an Odd Fellows Brotherhood meeting hall. The Chesler Group purchased the building in 2007 and commissioned the restoration and renovation to provide a new headquarters for the GAR Foundation. Exterior restoration included repair of the stone base and brick [...]

25 05, 2010

Melt Bar and Grilled

2023-08-01T15:49:53+00:00May 25th, 2010|Categories: Commercial, Hospitality, Projects|Tags: , , |

The original Lakewood-based Melt Bar and Grilled has enjoyed growing success and, inevitably, lengthy waiting lines since its inception in 2005. The first new Melt outpost, located at the corner of Cedar and South Taylor Roads in Cleveland Heights, provides Melt’s trademark melted-cheese comfort fare for Cleveland’s near-east suburbs. The new restaurant space combines three [...]

25 05, 2010

Madison East End Corridor-Birdtown Master Plan

2021-10-26T17:06:08+00:00May 25th, 2010|Categories: Planning, Projects|Tags: , , |

The historic East Madison Avenue-Birdtown sector of Lakewood, Ohio is one of many unique and vibrant neighborhoods in this lakefront community. The evolution of "Birdtown" was closely linked to the growth of the Union Carbide factory, originally located on the current Graf Tech site at Madison Avenue and W. 117th Street, which began manufacturing at [...]

25 05, 2008

City of Independence Master Plan

2020-07-08T13:53:25+00:00May 25th, 2008|Categories: Planning, Projects|Tags: , , |

This master planning effort helped establish preliminary civic goals for a phased renovation of the downtown center of Independence, Ohio. The first phase outlined concepts for reinforcing the identity of the overlooked “Western Reserve” historic central square of the town. In the second phase, options for housing the town’s growing elderly population were explored, through [...]

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